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👩‍💻 Data Strategy, Ethical Data Collection, Hiring Soft skills vs. Hard skills

Mukundan Sivaraj

Apr 26, 2024

In today's data-driven world, the collaboration between data strategists and data scientists is paramount to success. Vince Walsh, the Director of Data Science & Strategy at Starday Foods, sheds light on the critical role of a data strategist in enabling data scientists to thrive in their work.

Enabling Data Scientists: The Role of a Data Strategist

Vince emphasizes that a data strategist's primary role is to ensure that data scientists have the necessary resources to excel in their tasks. This involves ensuring data availability, organization, and readiness for analysis. By taking care of these foundational aspects, data strategists empower data scientists to focus on their core responsibilities of analyzing data and deriving insights.

Addressing Infrastructure Challenges

Infrastructure forms the backbone of any data science program. Vince highlights the importance of having a robust data platform in place to support the data science initiatives effectively. While a data strategist can contribute to refining infrastructure, it's essential for companies to have a solid foundation beforehand to maximize the strategist's impact.

Balancing Customer Privacy and Data Collection

Ethical data collection is a priority for Starday Foods. Vince emphasizes the importance of respecting customer privacy by prioritizing anonymity and refraining from collecting personally identifiable information. By focusing solely on the content of the data without attaching it to specific individuals, Starday Foods maintains ethical data practices.

Leveraging Zero Party Data

Starday Foods utilizes "zero party data," which refers to data voluntarily shared by customers with no formal agreement. While this data may not be extensive, it provides valuable insights into customer preferences and product usage patterns, aiding in product development and marketing strategies.

Prioritizing Skills in Data Team Hiring

When hiring for data roles, Vince emphasizes the importance of aligning candidates' skills with the specific requirements of the role. While technical proficiency is crucial, soft skills such as communication and adaptability are also highly valued. Vince stresses the importance of defining clear expectations for the role and tailoring the hiring process accordingly.


In the dynamic field of data science, effective collaboration between data strategists and data scientists is essential for driving meaningful insights and business outcomes. By prioritizing ethical data practices, leveraging available data resources, and aligning hiring strategies with organizational needs, companies can build successful data teams capable of navigating the complexities of the data landscape.

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Mukundan Sivaraj

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👩‍💻 Data Strategy, Ethical Data Collection, Hiring Soft skills vs. Hard skills

Mukundan Sivaraj

Apr 26, 2024

👩‍💻 Enhancing Data Security in Remote Work Environments: Best Practices

Mukundan Sivaraj

May 15, 2024

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